Create master table
Master table contains data that are descriptive and summarized information and will be used as guidelines to enter data into the transaction table. Master table in a simple accounting system consists of:
- Table chart of accounts
- Table 1 derivative account
- Table 2 derivatives account
- Table journal type: to identify from what sources is, a transaction occurred. For example: a cash receipt transaction should use Cash Receipt journal type to record this transaction, a purchasing transaction should use Account Payable journal type to record this transaction - no matter it is a cash or credit purchasing.
First, create an Access database with the name Accounting. Next do the following steps:
- You can create table by clicking Create tab in the Ribbon and then choose Table Design in the Tables Group.
- In the Field Name column, type "AccountCode". In the Data Type column, select Text, and in the Description column, type "Unique account code".
- Furthermore, for the field properties (at the bottom, you can press F6 to move to the Field Properties), fill in the General Tab: Field Size = 3 and Caption = Account Code.
- Make sure that AccountCode is set as the primary key. If not, highlight the line AccountCode, click the right mouse and select the primary key, or you can also choose a primary key via the Tools Group - Primary Key button.
- Under the AccountCode line or row, insert a second field by typing "AccountName" and Data Type = Text. Type "Account name or description" in the Description Column. For the field properties, fill in General Tab: Field Size = 100 and Caption = Account Name.
- Third field, fill in the Field Name = GroupName, Data Type = Text and Description = Choose the group name whether this account is Assets, Liabilities, Equities, Revenues, Expenses, Or Income Summary.
- For the field properties, fill in General Tab: Field Size = 1, Caption =
Group Name, and Rquired = Yes. Fill in the Lookup Tab:
- Display Control = Combo Box
- Row Source Type = Value List
- Row Source = Group Code;Group Name;a;Assets;l;Liabilities;e;Equities;r;Revenues;x;Expenses;i;Income Summary
- Bound Column = 1
- Column Count = 2
- Column Heads = Yes
- Column Widths = 0";1.5"
- List Width = 1.5" (must be equal to the total Column Widths)
- Limit To List = Yes
At this stage you have already known how to create a simple table with the name tblMainAccount that in the accounting system it is a table chart of accounts. The next step is to create a master table for Table 1 derivative account, Table 2 derivative account, and Table journal type. As a step of making the table above, the following is the information needed to create another table.
Table name: tblDerivativeAccount1
- Field Name = DerivCode1
- Data Type = Text
- Description = Derivative Code
- Field Properties - General Tab:
- Field Size = 3:
- Caption = Derivative Code
- Field Name = DerivName1
- Data Type = Text
- Description = Derivative name or description
- Field Properties - General Tab:
- Field Size = 100:
- Caption = Derivative Name
- Field Name = Remark
- Data Type = Text
- Description = Additional description or remark
- Field Properties - General Tab:
- Field Size = 30:
- Caption = Remark
- Primary key : DerivCode1
Table name: tblDerivativeAccount2
- Field Name = DerivCode2
- Data Type = Text
- Description = Derivative Code
- Field Properties - General Tab:
- Field Size = 3:
- Caption = Derivative Code
- Field Name = DerivName2
- Data Type = Text
- Description = Derivative name or description
- Field Properties - General Tab:
- Field Size = 100:
- Caption = Derivative Name
- Primary key : DerivCode2
Table name: tblJournalType
- Field Name = JournaType
- Data Type = Text
- Description = Journal type
- Field Properties - General Tab:
- Field Size = 2:
- Caption = Journal Type
- Field Name = JournalName
- Data Type = Text
- Description = Journal name or description
- Field Properties - General Tab:
- Field Size = 100:
- Caption = Journal Name
- Field Name = Remark
- Data Type = Text
- Description = Additional description or remark
- Field Properties - General Tab:
- Field Size = 30:
- Caption = Remark
- Primary key : JournaType
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