Right click mouse to display the shortcut menu. Choose Layout and then Remove button to enable individually field/object formatting.
Form properties:
- Caption = Open Transaction Journal Entry
- Auto Center = Yes
- Auto Resize = Yes
- Fit to Screen = Yes
- Record Selector = No
- Navigation Button= No
Controls Properties:
- JournalId (text box):
- Enabled = No
- Width = 1"
- TransactionDate (text box), JournaType (combo box), JournalNumber (text box), Ref
(text box), RefNo (text box), CreatedBy (text box), ApprovedBy (text box):
- Width = 1"
- frmOpenTransactionJournalChild (subform):
- Width = 9"
- JournalId (text box):
- Text Box TotalDebit, properties:
- Name = TotalDebit
- Control Source = =NZ([frmOpenTransactionJournalChild].[Form]![TotalDebit],0)
- Format = Standard
- Width = 1
- The related label properties for this text box:
- Name = TotalDebit_lbl
- Caption = TotalDebit:
- Adjust the width as neccessary
- Text Box TotalCredit:
- Name = TotalCredit
- Control Source = =NZ([frmOpenTransactionJournalChild].[Form]![TotalCredit],0)
- Format = Standard
- Width = 1
- The related label properties for this text box:
- Name = TotalCredit_lbl
- Caption = TotalCredit:
- Adjust the width as neccessary
- On the Form Footer, insert the text box controls by clicking Design tab
and Text Box icon in Controls group as follows:
- Text Box TotalDebit, properties:
- Name = TotalDebit
- Control Source = =Sum([Debit])
- Width = 1
- The related label properties for this text box:
- Name = TotalDebit_lbl
- Caption = TotalDebit:
- Adjust the width as neccessary
- Text Box TotalCredit:
- Name = TotalCredit
- Control Source = =Sum([Credit])
- Width = 1
- The related label properties for this text box:
- Name = TotalCredit_lbl
- Caption = TotalCredit:
- Adjust the width as neccessary
- Text Box TotalDebit, properties:
- In the Debit text box properties, insert event procedure
- After Update = [Event Procedure], VB Script as follows:
Private Sub Debit_AfterUpdate() Forms![frmOpenTransactionJournalParent]![TotalDebit].Requery End Sub
- After Update = [Event Procedure], VB Script as follows:
- In the Credit text box properties, insert event procedure
- After Update = [Event Procedure], VB Script as follows:
Private Sub Credit_AfterUpdate() Forms![frmOpenTransactionJournalParent]![TotalCredit].Requery End Sub
- After Update = [Event Procedure], VB Script as follows:
- In the AccountCode combo box properties set the Row Source = tblMainAccount
- In the Deriv1 combo box properties, set the Row Source = tblDerivativeAccount1
- In the Deriv2 combo box properties, set the Row Source = tblDerivativeAccount2
This is Very informative but where are the next procedures/tutorials in this developing accounting system blog?
ReplyDeleteThis is Very informative but where are the next procedures/tutorials in this developing accounting system blog?